Hello, everyone! Welcome to Haame Declassified Time.
As an FX retail broker, there is nothing more important to me than the development of a fractured market, and an innovative model of competitive marketing that can support levelling and/or leapfrogging is even more conducive to driving different agents to compete with each other.
For example, some Superior IBs, after developing some Subordinate IBs, have stagnated or even become zombie agents. However, as a broker, it is normal to welcome competition, because competition is oriented towards activity, which is conducive to the rapid development of the market.
However, before sharing the specific level of competition mechanism, we first briefly account for Haame Finance / Forex / CFD / MT4 / MT5 / MetaTrader / XForce / Sirix / XOpenHub CRM operations management system two marketing commission model of the basic situation.
First of all, the first model, everyone is a promoter, there is no agent and direct customers, only the upper and lower levels of the promotional relationship. For example, if a user trades one lot of gold XAUUSD, his superiors receive a certain amount of commission. Brokers can be customised to set how many layers of superiors rebate, how much each layer of rebate amount, the model is very simple to apply.
The second is our protagonist in this issue of the second model, the model only to the agent commission, direct customers do not have a rebate. Brokers are required to set their agent level and commission parameters for each agent. For example, the commission budget for trading 1 lot EURUSD is $20, which is shared among several higher-level agents based on the level difference between their levels and commission parameters, with different levels receiving different commissions.
Well, after having a basic understanding of the Marketing Rebate Model 2, let's move on to the Levelling Competition Mechanism mentioned earlier, because the Levelling Competition Rebate Mechanism is applied in Model 2.
Under normal circumstances, the leveling competition mechanism is turned off by default, and brokers can choose whether to turn it on or not (as shown in the figure below), including only allowing leveling, or allowing both leveling and leveling at the same time.
From the promotion of the hierarchical relationship chain, the superior user is still the superior user, the subordinate user is still the subordinate user, but the agent level of a superior user is levelled or even surpassed by the subordinate user. The following chart, aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff-gg relationship chain, this time the user ff for the 1st level agent, has surpassed the agent level for the 2nd level of the direct superior ee.
However, in such cases, the broker still has the option to give the tied or overtaken superior user ee either a fixed amount per lot or a percentage of the commission that the inferior user ff got. For example, if ff's direct client gg trades one lot and ff takes 10USD, the superior ee gets 10% or 1USD.
In order to avoid too much brain, decrypted gentleman here point to the end, because Haame CRM level over level competition mechanism than the above mentioned but also more powerful, as long as you can understand the ‘chain of relationship between the user's subordinate’ and ‘user's agent level’ the two concepts, for the level over level competition mechanism. As long as you can understand the concepts of ‘chain of relationships between users’ and ‘user's agent hierarchy’, it will be easy to understand the hierarchical transgression.
Well, that's it for this edition of Harmony Declassified.
Haame CRM marketing mechanism includes two modes, mode 1 and mode 2, but in mode 2 can be derived from two scenarios, one is a fixed amount of rebate, the other is a variable amount of rebate, providing maximum flexibility for brokers, look forward to our next issue of detailed decryption.